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...that leaves you changed.

Having worked with hundreds of clients over the years, Amanda has heard the same stirring questions over and over again from different people. The truth is that if you’ve already achieved great success, inspiration from another’s journey only goes so far; you’re busy, driven, focused, and intentional about where and how you spend your time.

Trained by the best in the professional speaking industry, Amanda is committed to taking her audiences on an internal journey of their own through her talks to ensure it is time well spent. Once we know something, we can’t un-know it. An experience with Amanda is an invitation into more.

Amanda is a no-sugar-coating, direct facilitator to ensure her clients collapse timelines, shatter old limiting templates, and evolve into the potential they had buried within themselves.

Her audiences of High Achievers experience intimate connection, pre-designed internal shifts, and the birthing of their own activated, expanded, living visions.

high performance coaching, neuro linguistic programming, quantum expansion, consciousness, ascension, hypnosis, leadership, high achievers, professional growth, neuro pathways, PTSD, depression, anxiety, self sabotage, income growth, spiritual medium, awakening, theta healing, angel healing, breakthrough, transformation, mindfulness, NGH, timeline therapy, potential, inner peace, speaking, 

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